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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, July 1, 2013

An Elusive Dream

by Juliane Mendelsohn
While Americans have always rallied around their country in times of crisis, Europeans have abandoned the dream of a united Europe.
While the European Union was constructed as an economic union, its underlying idea has always been the dream of an integrating structure immersed in our common ideology, that of democracy. Democracy: the religion of the European Enlightenment, the mechanism of the ultimate empowerment of all peoples free and equal. Though not codified, when we say we believe in Europe, this forms both the structure and the content of our dreams.
For a while, integration and empowerment of the people of Europe was achieved solely by means of the free movement of capital. Banks and other financial institutions readily invested in projects outside their own economy. Then crisis struck. The last six years have been a desperate attempt to calm markets. We’ve had minimal success at this, while paying a huge and unacceptable price in the currencies of unity, democracy and the rule of law…ToRead More.
My Take – The commentary is meaningless because everyone….and I mean everyone….who tries to explain the failure of the EU fails to understand why the Union created by the United States succeeded and the Union created in Europe has failed. 
The U.S. succeeded for the very reason the EU is failing.  Although there were differences in the states, some even created to support singular religious groups, the thirteen colonies were largely a monoculture. Culturally they were mostly English and that became the common culture they all shared, understood, liked and could convey their thoughts in the same language....English! 
The second reason it succeeded was because these individual countries - The States - chose to come together and voted for the representatives to the central government.  A government that was supposed to be small and largely uninvolved in the States affairs.  In order to maintain states rights the founding fathers created a somewhat complex system for choosing these representatives to the central government.  Senators were chosen by the state governments as representatives of the state governments, much like an ambassador.  The representatives were chosen by the people to represent the common interests.   Both of these houses would have staggered terms in order to prevent a total change of government as a result of some hysterical crisis, maintaining a balance of power.   
The EU government is a bunch of non-representative bureaucrats that impose their will without restraint or reason.  It was totally different than the union created by the founding fathers of the United States.  The culture of Europe is no more mono-cultural now than it was before the EU was created.  The U.S. became a union to establish and preserve the concept of individual rights over a tyrannical government.  The EU came into existence devoted to the concept of central planning over individual rights.   With the EU’s idiotic regulatory impositions, central planning economic ideals, and mandate for imposing multiculturalism, they created a system that was very similar to the failed Soviet Union without the gulags.  The EU was doomed to failure from the beginning!  And now they are demanding that the U.S. adopt their regulatory insanity in order to create a new European/US trade agreement, such as the Precautionary Principle.  A concept that will make us as impotent, incompetent and unproductive as they are. The only question that needs to be answered here is this; who really needs who here?

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