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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Is This A Crime Against Humanity or Not? Is This a Crime?

By Rich Kozlovich

These links are from Steve Milloy's
The question that I keep asking myself, is this: When is someone going to be charged with a crime?  No matter what anyone tries to claim, a crime against humanity has been committed.  And it has been committed by authorities at the Environmental Protection Agency and the researchers they hired.  They cannot claim they were just following orders.  That excuse has been dealt with and rejected ever since Captain Henry Wirz was tried and hung for what happened at Andersonville prison during the American Civil War.  It was once again rejected at the Trials at Nuremberg.  Are these events anywhere near as serious?  In their effect and impact; no!  In principle; yes!
These people are not permitted to make their own laws, they are not permitted to ignore the laws that exist, and they are not permitted to interpret them in ways that are out of harmony with the intent.  But then again, that has been going on for so long and the Congress hasn't had the courage to put a stop to it, is it any wonder they are out of control. 
I do think we need to ask this question. What constitutes a crime against humanity?  We know that Hitler’s killing of six million Jews and about six million more Eastern Europeans has been so designated as crimes against humanity.  But Mao, Stalin and Castro killed tens of millions of their own people and are these crimes aren’t so designated as crimes against humanity.   Why?
We need clarity.  It is the lack of courage and the will to stand up and say the truth.  The media has obfuscated the truth from the time when Walter Duranty lied (and the rest of the media knew he lied) about Stalin’s deliberate starvation of millions of his own people. Surely the media must bear a huge burden of the guilt. 

There is one more thing.  How many people does it take to constitute a crime against humanity?  We know that at least six million is so considered, but what if a government deliberately chooses to do these things to  How many does it take?

5.      More Ground Zero Junk Science (April 24)
6.      Another dim bulb for energy April 12

26. 2012
31.  What’s EPA Smoking? (December 3)

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