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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Radicals Propose a New SCOTUS Fix

The radical left is in a blind rage over rulings from the new Thomas Supreme Court.  It was bad enough when the Supremes told them they don't have a constitutional right to kill their babies, but now it's telling them they can't be racists, either.  The Court is clearly intent on imposing tyranny and eliminating our most basic rights — which are not actually written in the Constitution, but have been emanating for 50 years from a penumbra that only liberal justices can see.  They're screaming that something must be done about this constitutional crisis.

They tried two years ago to eliminate the Senate filibuster to pack the Court.  But that didn't work because a couple of Dems learned a lesson from Harry Reid's leadership and realized there may be a few unintended consequences they wouldn't like.  So the radicals put their thinking caps on and came up with a creative solution.  Just tell President Biden to ignore the Court.  Joe being Joe, he might actually do it......To Read More....

Stunner! Joe Biden urged to simply defy Supreme Court, 'The administration will be guided by its own constitutional interpretations' - By Bob Unruh July 24, 2023 - Joe Biden meets with senior advisers to discuss the budget and debt ceiling, Monday, May 15, 2023, in the Oval Office of the White House. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)  A letter from a coalition of professors is telling Joe Biden to adopt a key message used during the Civil War.  A message that was used by the segregationists.Renowned constitutional expert Jonathan Turley cited the extreme ideology in a column. He cited two comments: "I shall resist any illegal federal court order" and when "the court’s interpretation of the Constitution is egregiously wrong," the president should refuse to follow it.  "Those two statements were made roughly 60 years apart. The first is from segregationist Alabama Gov. George Wallace (D). The second was made by two liberal professors this month. In one of the most chilling developments in our history, the left has come to embrace the authoritarian language and logic of segregationists in calling for defiance and radical measures against the Supreme Court," Turley explained...............

Biden administration best understood as a junta -August 19, 2023 By Eric Utter -I have come to realize that the Biden administration is nothing but a junta.  Those who comprise it are the opposite of the Founders. They don’t believe in limited government—of, by, and for, the people. They do not believe in objectivity — or freedom of speech, religion, and assembly. They do not believe in “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,” or in their right to be free from “unreasonable searches and seizures.”...........

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