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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

America Out Loud

America Out Loud is a regular feature on P&D, so be sure to follow the link for all the featured articles.  

By Rich Kozlovich

Here are today's articles and podcasts as posted by 10:20 AM.  I've been impressed with so much of what appears here, but as usual, I don't always agree with authors.  I've taken exception with "My Take", on one article dealing with GMO's, and while I've read this author's pieces in the past and agreed, I put this article on the same par as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his absolutely correct views on the Covid vaccines.  And that's the problem.  He's been an irrational anti-vax nut for years, and this gives inappropriate, and undeserved credibility to the rest of his nutty views.  Since these false vaccines are genetic manipulators, it gives the anti-GMO nitwits inappropriate and underserved credibility on all genetically manipulated products.  I address that below, and with sources, since I've been writing about these immoral GMO misfits for many years. 


President Trump Must Expose Operation Warp Speed by - May 1, 2023 = Surely Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and all their genocide cohorts are smiling broadly. Recent projections suggest they may ultimately achieve their global depopulation goals. But before we lynch President Trump, we must answer a few questions. First, are we truly justified to align President Trump with the likes of eugenics maniacs and sociopaths? Second, how do we construe Trump’s silence on the vaccine issue?........

CCP’s Spider Web-Like United Front Network & Its Rampant Violations of US Sovereignty - by | May 1, 2023 - Dr. Li-Meng Yan w/ The Voice of Dr. Yan – The House select committee on CCP issued a letter to the FBI and DOJ, seeking answers about the FBI’s strategy and efforts in investigating and combating CCP’s secret police stations on American soil. As pointed out at the end of the letter, “US law enforcement agencies must hold these perpetrators to account and better protect the U.S. from further threats.”.............

Genetically Modified Organisms and Your Diet, by | May 1, 2023 - We dedicate this issue of the Report to information about how plants in the food chain are being directly modified to survive herbicide which is widely applied to get rid of competing weeds. Our guest, Steve Smith, will take us through this complicated set of terminology and help us understand what it all means. With his permission, I have adapted this information from his website Institute for Responsible Technology. What is a GMO? GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. We can also use genetically modified or genetically engineered..............

My Take I've been writing about GMO's for many years and this piece is simply wrong. He claims there is "as usual collateral damage" for the use of BT, but fails to say what that damage is. However, there has been very real documentation regarding damage perpetrated on humanity by these green misfits due to their resistance to GMO's, especially Golden Rice, which could have saved millions of lives in Asia by adding Vitamin A to their diet.

"It’s one of the world’s most preventable tragedies. Every year, as many as 500,000 children go blind because their diet contains an insufficient amount of vitamin A. Half of these children will die prematurely, typically from diarrhea and measles. Many more will have stunted growth." - 

The author needs to seriously re-evaluate his views.  While I agree these false vaccines, which are nothing more than gene altering compounds that haven't been property tested, are clearly dangerous and even deadly, but compounds when properly tested have created grand advances in medicine by gene editing. GMO's Are Not the Problem. They're the Answer! - Not only is GMO resistance unscientific and irrational, it's immoral.


Grand Jury Updates & Microbiome Screening for the Recovering - by | May 1, 2023 - In this episode of Energetic Health Radio, Dr. H gives the audience an update on what’s going on with his team’s Grand Jury case. You can learn more about this pursuit of justice at Dr. H also discusses the latest findings in helping people recover from injuries caused by the damn shots. Listen in as he shares his team’s latest work with Microbiome Screening and how impactful killing infections can be for the brave people doing all they can to heal themselves............

From Child Trafficking To Veteran Suicides: America’s Broken Promise - by | May 2, 2023 -   “Children are growing, maturing people, dependent upon their elders for moral, spiritual, ethical, and practical guidance. They are not something to be shaped, fabricated, or spent in the manufacturing, production, or political process.. Children are individualistic souls with the ability to exercise their own free will. In formative years, when they are subjected to the wisdom, or lack thereof, of parents and others, their judgment likely will reflect immaturity.”........... Liberty-OVE founder Michael Murphy joins the conversation. As a retired Marine and combat veteran, Michael has faced PTSD demons, and he shares his story and vision to help America’s warriors.............

Minnesota Has Become Trans Health Refuge State for Children  -by | May 2, 2023 -  Nurses Out Loud with April Snipes RNFA, BSN, CNOR – Minnesota has joined California in becoming a sanctuary state for minors seeking gender-affirming healthcare. If your child seeks care in Minnesota, you will not be able to get access to them, nor have them extradited and brought back home due to new laws that have been passed. State Rep Leigh Fink is the chief author of HF 1655, a bill that seeks to establish gender identity as a protected category and aims to remove existing legislation that allows for discrimination based on sexual orientation. This includes those who have a sexual attachment to minors. What does this mean for parents?.........


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