Education must become Job One in America. It's been totally taken over by leftists, Marxists, socialists, communists, Democrats.....sorry....I'm repeating myself.....and if America is to survive education at all levels must be totally transformed, and that has to start at the local school boards. Then expanding to the state boards of education. To fix this it must become an organized national effort, and one the Republican party would do well to adopt and promote. From there to the elimination of the Department of Education and any funding to universities, and tax their endowments that are worth billions of dollars.
Force them to become for profit institutions that have to compete without government grant money or student loans. Then as totally private businesses, it they wish to push their leftist agenda and compete for student dollars in an open market, that's their business. But the government must be forced to stay out of it and not force these insane diversity, inclusion and equity programs that are doing nothing more than destroying the nation.
And again:
These leftist sit on high looking down their noses at those they view as neanderthals, but this is the result of leftism since it has no moral foundation except to gain power by any means necessary. Jonah Goldberg, before he went insane, wrote a great book called Liberal Fascism where he discusses the Frankfort School leftists who fled Germany, that had a far left fascist government, and infested America's universities with their radical lunacy, and then eventually their "students' rebelled against them.
The nation’s 10 largest counties have lost more than 1 million residents since 2019. The biggest losers have been the counties that are home to New York and San Francisco and Chicago’s Cook County. Even Los Angeles County, the nation’s most populous county, with just under 10 million people, is now contracting.
Welcome to the real-world impact of progressivism. Instead of worker paradises, the Left has transitioned our once-shining cities into slums, murder zones, homeless encampments and boarded-up stores. They have become cults of economic and political quackery -- and tragically, few Democrats have the courage to speak out. They are worried about being called racists when the reality is that the victims -- of terrible public schools, high murder rates and an anti-business creed -- are the minorities they say they care so much about.
The three poisons of America’s leftist cities are 1) high taxes, 2) schools that don’t educate and 3) crime running rampant.
Yes, and the good news is that the money won't be there. ..............
North Carolina parents should be wary of ‘School Choice’ bill, April 12, 2023 By Robert Bortins- Politicians in Raleigh want to transform our freedoms with House Bill 420, giving state bureaucrats more control over North Carolinians’ educational options, consequently driving up prices, reducing quality and innovation, and normalizing state welfare checks for the middle class and wealthy -- all in the name of “school choice.” But the fact is, North Carolina already has robust educational choices, and families are enthusiastically enjoying those opportunities. According to a 2022 report from, approximately 16 percent of North Carolina families homeschool or attend private school. Families already have school choice, and this freedom allows for extraordinary educational innovation and entrepreneurship at a net gain to taxpayers. ...............
Randi Is Wrong Again, By Larry Sand The president of the American Federation of Teachers makes a bunch of ridiculous and easily refutable claims.I have got to give Randi Weingarten a lot of credit. Every time I write about the president of the American Federation of Teachers and her relentless blather, I think that she cannot possibly sink any lower; yet she always manages to dig herself a deeper hole. Earlier this month, Weingarten penned “Kids Do Better In Schools With Teachers Unions,” an opinion piece for the Daily Beast, in which she claims to make “a factual case” for all the good that teachers’ unions do for children. For starters, citing work by some left-wing think tankers, she asserts that teachers unions are associated with higher student achievement, especially for Hispanic and black children. Wrong! The teachers union’s essence is its collective bargaining agreement (CBA), which, as policy experts Rick Hess and Martin West write, is a vestige of the industrial economic model that prevailed in the 1950s when “assembly-line workers and low-level managers were valued less for their knowledge or technical skills than for their longevity and willingness to serve loyally as a cog in a top-down enterprise.” While CBAs may be the cornerstone of the unions’ raison d’être, these agreements have been a disaster for students. “The Long-run Effects of Teacher Collective Bargaining,”...........
X-Rated Ed, By Larry SandEducator-related sexual abuse of children is escalating. Pedophilia is proliferating in the nation’s public schools. Going back to 2004, a report prepared for the U.S. Department of Education revealed that nearly 9.6 percent of students are victims of sexual abuse by school personnel, and these are just the reported cases. Stop Educator Sexual Abuse Misconduct & Exploitation (SESAME), an organization that works to stop childhood sexual abuse by teachers and other school employees, disclosed that in 2015, about 3.5 million 8th-11th grade students, or nearly 7 percent of those surveyed divulged that they had experienced “physical sexual contact from an adult”—most often a teacher or coach. The type of physical contact ranged from “unwanted touching of their body, all the way up to sexual intercourse.” Even worse, when other types of sexual misconduct are taken into consideration, such as being shown pornography or being subjected to sexually explicit language or exhibitionism the number increases to about 4.5 million children (10 percent). SESAME also explains that one child sex offender can have as many as 73 victims in a lifetime..........
- (Editor's Note: You may wish to view these articles by Larry Sand dealing with the failure of education in America, all of which the left owns, also, Socialist Roots of American Education. RK)
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