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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

What We've Got Here, is Failure to Communicate!

By Rich Kozlovich

How many have seen the movie Cool Hand Luke?  If you did you will remember the most memorable line from that movie, which is the title of this article.

Well, "what we've got here is a failure to communicate", because this world needs to grasp this one irrefutable fact.  The left destroys liberty and human rights by scare mongering, and if anyone dares to question it, they must be crushed.  That's history, and that history is incontestable!

The article The World Economic Forum Has Invented a New Word to Describe the Extreme Chaos That Is Gripping Our Planet, by Michael Snyder on January 16, 2023 notes the left has adopted a word to describe what's happening, “polycrisis”, and to resolve these crises:

"2,658 of the “world’s decision-makers” will gather in Davos, Switzerland for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.  Protected by thousands of police officers and soldiers, the elite of the world will feast and party throughout the week as they shape the global agenda for the coming year.  Needless to say, our input is not desired or welcomed.  In order to get into this conference, you have got to be a part of their club, and in order to be a part of their club you must be a very important person.

Now, one thing the left understands is how to disrupt events or meetings to their benefit, but that will not happen "to" leftists, it's only done "by" leftists, and to assure that, the security is amazing at Davos "with fingerprint scanners are being used in some cases to verify identities."  Which I find interesting and humorous considering the left is outraged that conservatives want people to have I.D.'s to vote. 

Remember, these are the "who’s who of the most radical globalists" in the world, and really don't like the peasants, especially at a "must attend" leftist confab which is the “Bilderberg” society of billionaires and rich foreign potentates who meet every other year or so in Davos, Switzerland to plot out their plans to institute a one world government of tyranny and control", which in the past included imposing vaccine passports, and climate control schemes that will not have any impact on climate, but if adopted will give massive control over the world's economy to the most extreme elements of humanity, and they will be attending the meeting at Davos.  Where these wealthy and powerful hypocrites are flying to Davos on private jets to promote the idea laws need to be imposed to place limits on the CO2 output of "individuals"

"An individual carbon dioxide limit should be applied to every person in order to establish a “planetary guardrail” in the effort to combat allegedly man-made climate change."

And what's China's view of all this?  

China expresses its admiration for WEF and 'the Davos spirit'.   Imagine that!  One of the most tyrannical and vile governments on the planet supports international efforts by the wealthiest and most powerful people on the planet to control every aspect of human activity at the individual level.  China's Alibaba is developing a digital “individual carbon footprint tracker” to monitor the actions of the public, the firm’s president announced at the globalist World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on Tuesday.

We need to realize what every "progressive" scheme is really about.  Promoting tyranny!  It was so during the French Revolution, it was so after the communists took over Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela and every nation they took over.  And when they took control, they destroyed the economy and any level of liberty in those nations for everyone except themselves.  That's history, and that history is incontestable.  If you like the way China has handled their covid "crisis", you'll love the Great Reset!  “You’ll own nothing and be happy", or else!

The goal of the World Economic Forum is global control. It’s the Chinese Communist Party’s goal too. Who’s going to prevail in that struggle? For both entities, global control, not free trade or any spirit of individualism, will stand in their way. The essence of individual liberty, possession of private property, and freedom of movement, all hallmarks of a free society, will be swept away along with other Constitutional Liberties. Vaccine passports, i.e., the Commons Project, will ensure it.

I'm not sure if polycrisis going to be defined as a plural or singular term but either way, they're directly responsible this "polycrisis", and now they're demanding you give them more power, more control and give up your freedom, and one of the things they're striving for in order to attain their goal is identity control.  In this article, Biden's TSA Face Scanners Threaten Your Freedom and Privacy by Sarah Arnold she notes:

President Joe Biden’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) quietly unveiled a controversial facial recognition program at airports........16 of the nation’s largest airports including, Atlanta, Boston Denver, and Los Angeles, are now using face scanners to verify the identity of travelers rather than handing over their driver’s license or passport. TSA plans to expand the program so that eventually all U.S. airports are using facial recognition, making it one of the largest efforts to collect advanced biometric data of law-abiding citizens in US history.  

So, the Biden administration wants to impose a system of identification that's being used in tyrannous nations like communist China?  Governments that are so vile they can only exist by total control of their population.  All in order to track the people of those nations, and no resistance will be allowed, no resistant thoughts will be tolerated, or else! This is a system of control that allowed tyrants to “track and control its massive population, as part of its social credit system.” And in times past we've discovered China has managed to get access to such data regarding American citizens.  And that's what the left in America is attempt to impose on America. Do I understand that correctly?  

There are all the arguments this makes things safer, more convenient, more efficient, and better for Americans but there are questions that need to be asked and answered.  

  • Will this really make things safer, convenient, efficient and better?  
  • Will that data be shared with other government agencies? 
  • Will the date be shared globally?  
  • Is there any way these agencies can be trusted? 
  • Would this eventually open the floodgates of tyranny, giving access to the would be tyrants to all your data, medical history, financial dealings, income, and your entire profile at the touch of a button? 
  • What if they decide to impose a digital currency on the nation? Would a bureaucrat be able to prevent access to your money, delay or prevent medical treatments, get loans from the bank, buy or sell, all because they didn't like how you live your life, or the views you hold, especially if you oppose abortion, or worse yet, you're a Christian?

I was kicked off LinkedIn because I violated their "community standards", which makes you wonder what those standards are since my posts supported traditional values.  And given what we've discovered about Twitter's former owners and mangers, whose standards could be purchased by the FBI, one has to wonder, is that the case of LinkedIn, Facebook and any other social media site?  So, why would anyone not believe this would be the action plan for government agencies filled with leftist misfits and tyrants once they got that kind of control?  

So, how can this be fixed? Here's my commentary, How to Fix Government, which in short means, less government is more freedom!

 Update 1/17/23 7:17PM: 

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