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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Our Unpatriotic Press Coddles Dictators

Brent Bozell and Tim Graham Jan 08, 2020

On Jan. 5, after American drones took out Iranian terrorist mastermind Gen. Qassem Soleimani, CNN's Brian Stelter launched into one of his Sunday-morning sermons, insisting that patriotism flows like a river in America's newsrooms. His definition might vary from yours, however.

Patriotism equals tough questioning, the "Reliable Sources" anchor stated in a tweet: "It is patriotic to ask for evidence. To question official accounts. ... It is patriotic to hold our leaders accountable."

There's nothing wrong with skeptical questions of our government. But why is it impossible to celebrate blowing up the man responsible for the deaths of untold thousands, including over 600 Americans? And why do the media so often fail to muster that same sort of skeptical questioning for the tyrants and thugs opposing American interests? Theirs is a long, sordid history of offering unchallenged platforms, and even buttery sympathy, to our enemies........To Read More.....

My Take - The fact of the matter is the news media became infested with communist agents going back to the beginning of the 20th century.  The faces have changed, but the underlying philosophy hasn't.  The mainstream media is corrupt to the core.  The New York Times support of Stalin during the 1930's when he starved million of his people do death, is history, history that's incontestable.  They're Pulitzer Prize winning reporter, Walter Duranty, did everything in his power to deny  Stalin's crimes against his people, even calling reporter liars who tried to tell the truth......and the New York Times leaders knew it, and so did all the other reporters who covered Russia.  Most of whom didn't have the guts to fight the good fight. 
Duranty was a Satanist, a deviate and a liar of massive proportions who worked to hide the fact Stalin starved five million people do death.   demonstrates all this in his article, Duranty’s Lethal Lies, saying:
"In the early 1930s, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of innocent victims were deported to Siberia’s uninhabitable hinterlands and abandoned to their fates. Millions more, possibly 10 million, starved to death in their ancestral homeland, surrounded by fertile land that once served as the breadbasket of Europe. In a scandalous infamy far worse than the Blair episode, Walter Duranty, in the pages of the New York Times, said the genocide didn’t happen — even though he and the Times knew that it did. For both Duranty and the Times, casting Stalin’s “workers’ paradise” in a favorable light was more important than telling the truth that the Soviet government was murdering millions of innocents."
If it weren't for the "alternative media" we would still be being misled by these liars, hypocrites and traitors to humanity.

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