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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, June 21, 2019

Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote Democrat

By Brooke Says, Cultural Communications Analyst June 19, 2019       
They were so close to their ‘fundamental transformation of America’ as Obama called it, they could taste it! They had Hillary poised to step in as a 3rd Obama term and it would be over essentially America would be changed forever and with likely no chance of a Republican ever winning the Presidency again, and even if they did, no chance of effecting any difference. But then along came Trump! That’s why they’re so insane. It’s like having a plateful of delicious BBQ in front of you with all the fixings and having it ripped away and replaced by celery⏤without even any Ranch! It wasn’t supposed to happen this way.
Yes, I know, I know, a lot of the Republicans suck too, and are perhaps worse than Democrats because they claim to have and campaign on certain principles but once in office do the opposite (Repealing Obamacare, defunding Planned Parenthood) so I agree. But in the grand scheme of things, at least the platform on which Republicans campaign is in line with what the Founders envisioned for the country and what the Constitutional (and basic moral) foundation declares, such as freedom of speech, to bear arms and not to murder babies. Modern Democrats are as far from the Constitution as East is from West, and their desires for America are more in line with the Communist Manifesto than the Constitution.
Mind you, none of this would be happening: the moral decay of the country; the degradation of our ‘educational’ system’; the erosion of patriotism and love of country; the softening – physically and psychically – of our children – without the acquiescence of the populace.......To Read More.....

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