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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, December 7, 2018

Attacking Sully

December 6, 2018 By James Aaron Brown

Ruth Graham, in an article published on Slate, demonstrated one of the worst vices of American media..............If our society’s goal is to entertain ourselves with false criticism, Slate proves this point. However, I am convinced that deep down, the American people aspire to something greater, like Teddy Roosevelt’s speech “The Man in the Arena:”

There are those in the arena who struggle to achieve something of significance and meaning, and there is the crowd in the seats, criticizing, mocking, and being entertained. Slate authors seem comfortable sitting in the arena.

Bush was not a perfect man, who himself stated, “History will point out some of the things I did wrong and some of the things I did right.” But the quote that stands out in my mind is, “America is never wholly herself unless she is engaged in high moral principle. We as people have such purpose today. It is to make kinder the face of the nation and gentler the face of the world.” Our high moral principles do not eschew science, mock dogs, or act unkindly............. To Read More...........

My Take - I just don't understand what's wrong with these people.  First of all, this isn't an attack on Sully, it's a subtle attack on Bush, and of course an even more subtle attack on Republicans.  The left just can't be gracious, and Joy Behar is a classic example of their mean spirited hate filled mentality.

I've not been a Bush fan, ever, but I've not posted articles defaming him, nor have I posted anything myself to denigrate him.  Bush was something John McCain was not - gracious.  

He didn't go to his grave denigrating and attacking others.  McCain was a corrupt, nasty, vindictive man who could have gone gracefully and no one would have attacked him.  But he chose to be John McCain right up till the last forcing people to defend themselves against a dying man, and then being criticized for attacking a war hero. 

Well, he deserved to be attacked because he brought it on himself, and history will not be kind to John McCain any more than it's been kind to Ted Kennedy.  I was never a McCain fan either, but here's the difference. 

George Bush was also a war hero, who was lucky to have survived after being shot down at the beginning of WWII, but he was in no way ever anything but gracious, and deserved to be treated graciously at the end and now. History will point out his errors, and I think there's going to be a lot of them, but he will still go down in history as a gracious, civil, humble gentleman and leader. 

History is the great leveler leading to truth!

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