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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Female Students Aren’t oppressed Enough?

By | Aug 16, 2018

Just when you think the neo-communist left has reached their pinnacle in brainwashing at secular institutions, along comes a professor at University of Connecticut to challenge that faulty notion.
Christina Mogro-Wilson, who teaches social work, was taken aback after surveying 118 of her students, finding that “[Masters of Social Work] MSW students tend to endorse feminist principles but are hesitant to identify themselves as feminists."Well, that feminist dog just won’t howl for Mogro-Wilson.  And she has the solution: Oppress female students to help them recognize what they’ve been missing all along.  Isn’t that the wrong direction for feminism?  Aren’t they supposed to “roar” instead of being beaten into believing they are not equal?  Weird.......To Read More....

My Take - If there ever was a course that prepared these students to fail in life.....this is it We really need to fix education in this nation - starting with kindergarten and ending with advanced education, and I don't think any of this will get fixed until the government ends public employee unions, especially teacher's unions, and ends all grant money to all the "higher" education institutions, whether they're worthwhile or loony leftist propaganda factories.

End all student loan programs sponsored by the government and make them all for profit institutions. Make sure not one dime of the tax payer’s money every enters their books in any way. Eliminate tenure. Make every educator stand or falls on their performance. Let each higher education institution make it's case to the parents to justify their costs.

Then education will fix itself! How?

The price of education will drop like a stone. Based on what’s happening at Ohio State there are entirely too many people in administration making entirely too much money. They'll be gone making these schools financially lean and mean.

Many of these loon factories will go out of business, many of these loony educators will have to go out and find real jobs and actually produce something worthwhile. That's of course supposing they can find a job where they have to say more than "Welcome to McDonald's".

I do fear they will be a burden on the welfare rolls, but I'm willing to accept that so long as they're no longer able to contaminate young minds. There's a reason why so many of our young "Feel the Bern" and have no idea about how socialism has not only failed in every nation or culture that's embrace it or had it imposed on them....they don't even know how murderous socialists become when they take power.

If Marcuse and his loony leftist fellows from the Frankfurt school were alive today they'd be proud. But the fact each and every one of them was ever hired in any of America's universities is a clear demonstration this has been a foundational problem that goes back to the 19th century.

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