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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, May 12, 2013

What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It -- and Where Was He That Night?

 May 10, 2013
RUSH: Here's Garrett, Palm Harbor, Florida. Hi, Garrett. Glad you called. Great to have you on Open Line Friday. Hello.
CALLER: Hello, Rush. I think that our president may have bought himself some plausible deniability on the Benghazi situation 'cause, if I recall correctly, much was made during the fall season that the president wasn't taking any briefings, at least not face-to-face briefings?
RUSH: Yeah.
CALLER: So he cannot really be held responsible for something he couldn't have possibly known.
RUSH: Yeah, I hope they try that. I hope so, 'cause the way they're gonna have to sell that is that nobody could reach him for seven hours. "Well, you can't go after Obama. He didn't know any of this!" Now, what we do know is this: At five o'clock Eastern time, when Obama was told about this, he told Hillary and Panetta (in two separate conversations, I believe), "You guys do whatever you have to do." But they're limited……To Read More….

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