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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, May 20, 2013

Tea Party message to the IRS: See you in court

Matthew Clark
Claims that the Internal Revenue Service's intentional targeting of conservative and Tea Party groups was not politically motivated are truly outrageous and should concern all Americans.  Unbelievably, in his congressional testimony on Friday, the acting commissioner of the IRS, Steve Miller, repeatedly refused to admit that his agency "targeted" conservative groups.  Yet "targeted" was precisely the term used by the Treasury Department inspector general for tax administration in both his congressional testimony and his report released this past Tuesday.
The IRS itself admitted to intentionally targeting conservative groups and said it targeted them because they "criticize how the country is being run" -- because they are conservative.  The IG report on the burgeoning IRS scandal confirms that "all cases with Tea Party, Patriots, or 9/12 in their names were" targeted by the IRS for "unnecessary, burdensome" inquiry through at least "May 2012."
The IG testified that he found this intentional targeting was "based on policy positions" held by these groups. You can't intentionally target conservative groups for being conservative and call it anything but politically motivated....To Read More....

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