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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, May 24, 2013

EU summit backs shale gas 'revolution'

By Benjamin Fox,  22.05.13

BRUSSELS - EU energy policy must shift towards diversifying supply, with natural shale gas likely to be part of the mix, EU leaders said at a summit in Brussels on Wednesday (22 May).   UK Prime Minister David Cameron offered robust support for European exploitation of shale gas, telling journalists: "No regulation must get in the way."  "Europe has 75 percent as much shale gas as the US, yet the Americans are drilling 10,000 wells per year while we in Europe are drilling less than 100," he noted.  He added it is "no surprise that over the last decade Americans have increased their energy from shale from just 1 percent to 30 percent, and here in Europe we are now paying twice what the US pays for wholesale gas."…To Read More….

My Take -  Ahhhh....I do hope everyone remembers when the Euro-elite smugly looked down their nose at the U.S. for not jumping on board with the Kyoto Accords.  Wisdom is the application of knowledge and understanding, and now they have learned wisdom!  And what was the beginning of this new found wisdom?  The price of energy! 

But.....those on my side of this issue knew this day was coming....and a little schadenfreude really is nice. 

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