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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

California Medical Tyranny

May 1, 2013 by Bob Livingston 
Medical tyranny received judicial sanction in California Monday when a judge ruled that parents fighting to get their baby back from Child Protective Services kidnappers must follow all medical advice including not taking their baby from the hospital until the Big Pharma-trained goon squad gives the OK.
Anna and Alex Nikolayev’s ordeal with the medical police state began when they took 5-month-old Sammy to Sacramento’s Stutter Memorial Hospital for treatment after he began exhibiting flu-like symptoms. They chose Stutter because that’s where Sammy had been receiving treatment for a heart murmur since birth. The attending physician prescribed antibiotics for the child’s viral infection — despite the fact that antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections — and admitted him to the pediatric intensive care unit for observation. When they questioned a nurse about why the doctor had prescribed antibiotics, the nurse told them she did not know.
Within days, the physician began talking about the possibility of heart surgery for Sammy. Anna Nikolayev said she had grown increasingly concerned about the care Sammy was receiving and decided to take him to Kaiser Permanente for a second opinion. The family admits they didn’t get a discharge before removing their son. The doctor at Kaiser Permanente told them Sammy didn’t need antibiotics…… After Monday’s hearing the Sacramento County judge ordered Sammy be transferred to Stanford hospital. The Nikolayevs cannot remove him without a “proper discharge” and must allow a county government functionary to make regular house visits — to ensure the family is reminded who really owns their child — once Sammy goes home. ….To Read More…  

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