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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Climate Circus Leaves Town

As traditional energy sources go from doom and gloom to boom.
Apr 29, 2013, Vol. 18, No. 31 • By STEVEN F. HAYWARD
If you had told environmentalists on Election Day 2008 that four years later there’d be no successor treaty to the Kyoto Protocol, that a Democratic Congress would not have enacted any meaningful climate legislation, that domestic oil production would be soaring even after a catastrophic offshore oil spill, and that the environmental community would be having a lively internal debate about whether it should support reviving nuclear power, most might have marched into the ocean to drown themselves. Yet that’s the state of play four months into President Obama’s second term
Start with climate change. Early in March, the hacker or leaker of the two email caches from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia that rocked the climate science world in 2009 and again in 2011 released the remaining batch of material. The news produced barely a shrug even among climate skeptics, partly because the file contains 220,000 emails and documents (as opposed to about 1,000 in round one, and 5,000 in round two), making it impossible to review comprehensively. But it also appears unnecessary, as the climate change story has been overtaken by facts on the ground. Most significant: The pause in global warming​​​​now going on 15 years​​​​has become so obvious that many of the leading climate scientists are grudgingly admitting that global warming has stopped. James Hansen, who recently stepped down as NASA’s chief climate scientist to become a full-time private sector alarmist, is among those admitting that the recent temperature record has flatlined….To Read More…..

My Take - All of this was perfectly predictable.  I even predicted it.  How could a bug man know?  Easy....history is the greatest clarifying agent in the world.  None of their claims for disaster had any historical foundation, and in fact their claims were in direct violation of historical precedent.  I also predicted that this warming issue was going to destroy the scientific reputations of a great many "scientists".  Especially those who were more concerned about grant money, the new golden calf of science, than truth.  This is now coming to fruition and will continue to do so.

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