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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 7, 2016

SICKENING: Politician Argues That Rape Isn’t as Bad When This Group of People Does It!

By Onan Coca

Dueling stories out of Sweden speak to the horrible rape crisis that is currently raging there (and the rest of Europe).

First, over the weekend some 35 different women (as young as 12) reported being sexually assaulted by “foreign youths” while attending a Swedish music festival. 17-year old Alexandra Larson recounted the terrifying events to the UK Daily Mail Online. The assaults took place during Sweden’s “Party in the Park” festival, and the one common thread is that the apparent perpetrators were “foreigners” who may have been from a nearby asylum center. The victims reported being kissed, groped, and verbally harassed by men who they believed to likely be immigrants......While all of these innocent young women were being assaulted and harassed, a liberal Swedish politician by the name of Barbro Sörman was making the argument that rape is “worse” when a Swedish man does it than when an immigrant does.  I kid you not..........

We in the West must wake up before it is too late to stop their deadly march......Read more

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