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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 7, 2016

German Rape Victim Lies to Protect Her Rapist Because of This

By Michael Ware

It has to be very hard to think like a leftist.  There are so many rules that one has to follow and so many paradigms that have to be upheld.  Simple straight forward logic will not work if you are a leftist. One splendid example of this is the rape of a German woman by migrants.  Two different and opposing issues occurred.

The Breitbart reports
A left-wing German politician has admitted she lied to police about the nationality of three men who raped her in case it triggered racism against migrants in her country.
Selin Gören, who is a spokeswoman for the left-wing youth movement Solid, was attacked in the city of Mannheim in January while working as a refugee activist. She was ambushed in a play area late at night and forced to perform a sex act on her attackers.
Now, this woman was in Mannheim for the very purpose of helping these people.  She saw them as victims and individuals in need of her assistance.  Instead of helping them find freedom, she became a victim herself......Read more...

My Take - Leftism is an insane concept because it has no moral foundation.  Worse yet it creates a mentallly disordered society.  In spite of all the evidence to the contrary they continue to accept multiculturalsim as a legitimate social paradigm, even though all these "immigrants" are young men who are abusing the weakest in the societies in which they've invaded - and invasion - is the right word!  Islamic invasion - is the right term! 

The question everyone should be asking is where are the women and children? If their homeland is too terrible in which to live - why did they leave the most helpless members of their society there?  Where are their mothers, younger siblings, wives and their children?  Are we to believe they left these helpless ones in terrible danger while they "fled" to safety?  

The answer is they're not immigrants they're an invading army - and invading armies don't bring their families with them.   And that's so hard to grasp why? It's only hard to grasp if you're insane!

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